Are trade marks intellectual property?

Keen to find out whether your trade mark is classed as intellectual property (IP)? Regardless of whether you want to brush up on your intellectual property knowledge or learn more about the legal benefits of trade marks in the UK, the experienced team here at Trademark Eagle explain all below.

Alternatively, you can always speak directly to one of our attorneys about trademarking your intellectual property by giving us a call today.

What is considered intellectual property?

Intellectual property is a type of intangible work that’s been created by either an individual or business.

The result of creativity and human intellect, common examples of intellectual property include songs, stories, designs, and products.

While these examples are all classed as intellectual property, there are different types of intellectual property that therefore require different methods of legal protection.

By way of illustrating, patents are used to protect the rights of inventors, while copyrights are designed to protect original literary and artistic works.

Are trade marks intellectual property?

So, is a trade mark intellectual property? Yes, trade marks are classed as intellectual property in the UK. This is because trade marks refer to any type of sign, design, or expression that differentiates your business, brand, products, or services from other competitors in the market-place and they are often form part of a company or individual’s most valuable assets.

Put simply, a trade mark is something that can be used by your customers to identify and distinguish your company, such as a logo, tagline, or branding.

Once you’ve successfully registered your trademarks, you will be able to take legal action against any individuals or businesses that use this type of intellectual property without your permission.

Get in touch with Trademark Eagle

If you’re eager to ensure your intellectual property has been properly registered as a trade mark, don’t hesitate to contact the expert team of experienced attorneys here at Trademark Eagle.

We can help you to register your trade mark in the UK and even offer trade mark monitoring services. When you sign up to this service, you’ll be notified of any competing trade mark applications that might pose a threat to your products, services, brand, or business.

While we specialise in trade mark registration and protection, we can also provide our clients with copyright guidance as well as design protection and enforcement services. Whether you believe that your IP rights have been infringed or you’d like professional support with a cease and desist case, we can help.

If you’d like to learn more about intellectual property or the global range of IP services available here at Trademark Eagle, feel free to give us a call today on 0122 3208 624.

All initial consultations are free, so why not reach out to our professional team for comprehensive answers to more questions like ‘are trademarks intellectual property’?

If you’d rather send your enquiry to our team, you can always use our live chat feature, online contact form, or email address ( to get in touch with the Trademark Eagle team.

Upon receiving your enquiry, you can rest assured a member of our team will be in touch soon to find out more about your trade mark registration and protection requirements.

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